Wednesday, May 16, 2012

8 months!!

So here we are!  Almost there!!  I think a family member said it best...she said, 'it's much easier on our bodies to have babies in our 20's, but easier to raise children in our 30's when we have that much more life experience and maturity'.  I couldn't agree I didn't have Little Miss in my 20's, but it certainly was easier on my body the first time around!!!

8 months

What's that you say??  I look smaller than ever?? Oh, thank you!  You're too kind!!  I feel like I'm busting at the seams now...and there is still 8 weeks to go!!  I am ready for this baby to come anytime in many ways, and in others, we probably could use 12 weeks!!

This baby is sitting so much lower compared to how I carried Little Miss....I know that every pregnancy is different, but I look like a Sumo wrestler trying to bend over and pick things up!! Sitting in a car...that's a whole different story...I wish the seats in our Rendezvous were much more comfortable for pregnant ol' me!!  Ha, ha..

My Mom was just here for a quick visit for my birthday and she brought the sewing she's been working on. We had bought some beautiful fabric a while back to make a duvet cover, pillow sham and bedskirt for Little Miss's room.  We ended up moving and she went up a bed size, so the project got put on hold. turns out that the wall paint matches the fabric perfectly!! We were amazed and how great it looks!  I can't wait to put it all together and show you!

We will use the upcoming weekend to work more on the baby's room and whatever we have the energy to accomplish...that is after my belated birthday dinner at Carrabbas!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

KidCo PeaPod

I can't even really remember where I orginally saw the PeaPod...I think I was searching online for some sort of baby tent for the beach. Since it will be summer and would like to still go to the beach, even with an infant. I wanted soemthing to protect her from the beaming rays of sun and give me a bit of freedom.

Turns out this is the niftiest little contraption!!  I started to look at them a little more closely and they fold up flat for easy travel!!  They can fit a child up to 2 years old and can come with a small inflateable matress as well!  There are a few models and colours to choose from.

We were blessed by our family members with this model, I like the fun lime green!!

PeaPod-Model P102

Turns out this one also has the self-inflating mattress that slips into it's own little zippered pouch area to keep it protected from baby and the surface it is sitting on.  Some of the models, you have to pump up yourself. I believe all of them are UV protectant and all have the mesh parts on the sides for airflow.

It really is awesome. It comes in this little pouch and as you pull the elastic off of it, it pops open like those tents you throw into the air and they self set up!!  So easy!! There is a short instructional video on the website that shows how easy set up and and take down are.

I am super excited to have it at the beach this summer. That way she is not stuck in her car seat where she could get too hot!  That way I can still play in the sand with Little Miss too!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Pssst....Guess who's back in business...????

Last year, one of my first posts was about a catalogue company (except for a handful of stores) that  went out of business suddenly. Apparently customers still had orders to be filled and the stores just put signs up and locked the doors one day.  I was so disappointed.  They had such great coastal-y furniture and the prettiest colours to choose from.  They were an inspiration on how to decorate my home as we slowly pull it together.  That store was Maine Cottage.

Nellie End Table

Well.... they are back!!  They were aquired by the company, Russell and Mackenna, and have been able to reopen and keep their same style and quality as before!  As most of you homeowners know, your home is a never ending project of 'I'd like to do this' or 'this room needs to be refreshened', type of I'm happy to report that I have a renewed inspiration for decorating!!

Nina Swivel Chair

As the weather is warming up, there is that urge to purge the items we have been hanging onto 'just in case'....which makes more room for the items that we really want to make our house a 'home'.  

Looks inviting to me!

As the warm weather is approaching, we may get the 'purging' part done in our house, mostly because the baby will be arriving. We have that 'nesting' syndrome going on the redecorating part will be put on hold for a while!!  But at least I have a new website to look at in the wee hours of the night when I am up feeding her!!  :D

As always, while everyone else is 'purging', you can grab their stuff at a fraction of the cost if you like to garage sale!!  There are many treasures out there waiting for your DIY ideas to transform them!!

Remember my chair from last year???  Opps...I just realized I never showed you the desk I transformed!!  I will work on that to show you soon! Promise!

Happy Treasure Hunting!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Auction Time!!

A few weeks ago we were down in Hubby's hometown for a family estate auction. His Grandfather passed away last summer and the time had come to clean out his home.

The auction was held right on the home property, about 30 minuntes outside of town in the country...the river runs right along the edge of the property, such a beautiful spot. It was extremely organized and we had a fantastic turnout!! About 300 people!

Family property

Hubby's Grandparents kept their itmes in immaculate's no wonder everything was gone by the end!  We even purchased a few items that we will be able to enjoy around the house.

Box of old door knobs and such

Pappy's bedroom set was in perfect condition.

Bedroom set

Even Little Miss had a great day, she got to spend it running around the property with her cousin and some other kids that were there.

Playing on the 'big rock'

I think this was my favourite find...Hubby's Grandma was a canner and there were MANY canning jars, which a cousin got because she is also canner.  But she did let me have these beauties below.  I don't know if there is a huge value to them or not, I just have a small collection of the blue Mason jars with my beach glass in them. I would like to use them for pasta, grains etc someday...I just have to find lids for these ones!

Blue Mason Jars

These would also be fun projects with the jars...

I think this next item was one of the key pieces of the was in excellent condition considering the age of it.

About 5 hours later, all was cleaned up and everyone had gone home, except some family members.
I had made a lasagne dinner with caesar salad, garlic bread and a peanut butter fudge cake with peanut butter glaze (I also had some help from my sister in law and niece to pull it off). It was the perfect way to finish off a busy and emotional day...spending time with our loved ones.

We also received some fantastic gifts for the baby from Hubby's Aunt and Uncle. I will save the one I am most excited about for another post!!

Until then....enjoy your weekend!!

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